Why Blog?

Why Blog?

Why Blog? Most hate doing so. I get paid to write them for that very reason! They give a snap shot into what you do. They can explain a process ( diet /writing/ public speaking). Blogs can be similar to podcasts. They are crucial in SEO for web & search engine...

Content is King

Content is King

Whatever people tell you, there is nothing like a striking image, whether its paint photography, or otherwise. Content really IS King! Whether you are creating that content, employing a designer or a freelancer ( ghost writing/me), if that image is striking & your...

Pink Alley

Pink Alley

Everyone's art is different, if it wasn't it wouldn't be art!   Colour, depth, contrast, meaning, application, brush , photo, pencil, medium, light. All these factors make art what it is. At Image Pudding with over 3.700 worldwide , over 80 posts daily, lets give...


by | Feb 1, 2022 | Image Pudding, Uncategorized | 0 comments

When an artist or photographer ( or anyone of that matter ) spends time putting their piece together, many find it utterly exausting, thoughts content, detail Most come tho  the end of this ‘Journey’ and are utterly drained by the whole process ( I often am & have started to leave my phone at home)

So how about a platform that is run by artists for artists alike & photographers too, the very people that understand and can get into the heads of their fellow creatives! How about the ability to just whatsapp your content over or fb messemger , a brief backstory/ thought process/ size/ price ?

We hear and see over and over again on platforms and groups all day long that people are trying to SELL their work & Value it, and not having great SUCCESS! Yet there is a FB group instagram feed with over 7.000 already on it with a ‘Ready Made Audience’ At Very Important Pudding we do just this, we publish, we value, we create and maintain your OWN WEBSITE .We post and tag you in on instagram, we even tweet you too!

So lets ut this really simply, you post your work on your own Facebook profile, you ‘ping’ the image over to an admin on Image Pudding’ with relevnt # if you can’t think of any we use ours! You then immediately share your post onto Image Pudding group. We publish on your website, people interact ( 5.3k of them on FB) JOB DONE!

The biggest mistaake people make within fb when selling is they try too hard, but how ? they put a price on, they are not willing to interact, yet if they were in a Gallery they’d have to, they wold have to spend time with their potentisl client, as their client needs to feel their energy and make a connection with them. All too often artists ‘slap up’ a post, put a couple of ill thought our # on and walk away expecting it to sell like a Monet!

On fb there are litle things that make it a very effective sellinhg tool, little details, do  facebook want you to know what these are? NO WAY….I womder how many use a shortened link for their site? Did you relaise Google ranks sites higher with a shortened links ? Did you know only 63 % of people using Instagram use tags effectively ? Only 31% of users use stories daily.

Now this all takes time, which is why we are here to help, we specialise in social media for creatives, yes for £5 per week we publish and support your work, we get you ‘out there’ get you traction & build your audience, all you have to do is ‘ping’ it over and let us do the rest ! Need your Social Media doing too? We also have a plan for that


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Why Blog?

Why Blog?

Why Blog? Most hate doing so. I get paid to write them for that very reason! They give a snap shot into what you do. They can explain a process ( diet /writing/ public speaking). Blogs can be similar to podcasts. They are crucial in SEO for web & search engine...

Content is King

Content is King

Whatever people tell you, there is nothing like a striking image, whether its paint photography, or otherwise. Content really IS King! Whether you are creating that content, employing a designer or a freelancer ( ghost writing/me), if that image is striking & your...

Pink Alley

Pink Alley

Everyone's art is different, if it wasn't it wouldn't be art!   Colour, depth, contrast, meaning, application, brush , photo, pencil, medium, light. All these factors make art what it is. At Image Pudding with over 3.700 worldwide , over 80 posts daily, lets give...