Why Blog?

Why Blog?

Why Blog? Most hate doing so. I get paid to write them for that very reason! They give a snap shot into what you do. They can explain a process ( diet /writing/ public speaking). Blogs can be similar to podcasts. They are crucial in SEO for web & search engine...

Content is King

Content is King

Whatever people tell you, there is nothing like a striking image, whether its paint photography, or otherwise. Content really IS King! Whether you are creating that content, employing a designer or a freelancer ( ghost writing/me), if that image is striking & your...

Pink Alley

Pink Alley

Everyone's art is different, if it wasn't it wouldn't be art!   Colour, depth, contrast, meaning, application, brush , photo, pencil, medium, light. All these factors make art what it is. At Image Pudding with over 3.700 worldwide , over 80 posts daily, lets give...


Fonts are Key.

by | Oct 14, 2021 | Media Pudding | 0 comments

Font clarity is key if you want people to stay on your website.

A lot of people come to us for a website redesign or just a website audit. One of the first things that is apparent when we look over their current site, is that the website lacks clarity.

There are lots of ways clarity is important, but let’s start with this one that we see far too often….you can’t read the font. OR….you can if you really glare at it! But it’s not immediately obvious what the words (especially the title text on a hero section or header), say.

If someone lands on your website and can’t read the text, how long do you think they will stay? Not very long!

When designing a site, FONTS are one of the first things we discuss with a client. It’s really important to get it right.

Fonts must be clear, but also convey a certain feel that will attract the ideal client for you. The way you use fonts, the colours, what you are placing them over, must be considered.

If you are designing your own site, do yourself a huge favour and spend some time looking at fonts.

*Make sure to pick a Title font and text font that work together.

*Decide which of your colour scheme will be used for fonts (choose at least two colours, one of which is dark).

*Be consistent. Don’t change to another font in your design

*Use the same font on all your branding.

*Make sure the font you are using is commercially licensed. Many free fonts are only for personal licence.

Get your font right, and you get to keep people on your website for longer!

If you wish to talk to Kirsten about website redesign, design from scratch, or an audit, please CONTACT us.



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Why Blog?

Why Blog?

Why Blog? Most hate doing so. I get paid to write them for that very reason! They give a snap shot into what you do. They can explain a process ( diet /writing/ public speaking). Blogs can be similar to podcasts. They are crucial in SEO for web & search engine...

Content is King

Content is King

Whatever people tell you, there is nothing like a striking image, whether its paint photography, or otherwise. Content really IS King! Whether you are creating that content, employing a designer or a freelancer ( ghost writing/me), if that image is striking & your...

Pink Alley

Pink Alley

Everyone's art is different, if it wasn't it wouldn't be art!   Colour, depth, contrast, meaning, application, brush , photo, pencil, medium, light. All these factors make art what it is. At Image Pudding with over 3.700 worldwide , over 80 posts daily, lets give...